Monday, August 30, 2010

UFCs Forrest Griffin Writes Survival Guide To Apocalypse

Former UFC champion Forrest Griffin's latest book is called Be Ready When the Sh*t Goes Down: A Survival Guide to the Apocalypse

Be Ready When the Sh*t Goes Down: A Survival Guide to the Apocalypse

He's donating all the proceeds to charity.

Source: , cage potato
Even if they get nothing out of [the book], I hold myself free from harm, because I donated every penny that I make from this book to charity. I didn't keep any money from the book at all to help you survive the apocalypse. That's how much I care about you the reader. There’s a couple of different [charities the money will go to]: Fisher House, Three Square, a food bank in Las Vegas, our church, and then a couple more personal ones. The guy Big John, in the book, he passed away, and he’s got a five-year-old son, and he’s got a trust set up, so some of it’s for that as well. I kept no money from the book. It didn’t go to charities like the 'Forrest Griffin Needs a New Car Foundation.

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